NDP Referendum Documents


We are now at the the final stage for the Portreath NDP which is for Cornwall council to hold a formal referendum to either adopt or reject the Portreath NDP. 

In terms of the previous stages completed we have: 

  • established a steering group and working groups to build the NDP with as much involvement from the people of the Portreath Parish as possible
  • worked together in workshops, through surveys and meetings to identify the priorities and build an evidence base for our NDP 
  • used the data gathered to build a draft NDP
  • shared and consulted on the contents of the draft NDP and updated the NDP based on the considerable interest and feedback received which also identified strong support for the NDP
  • formally submitted our NDP to Cornwall Council for formal checks and a review by an expert independent examiner.
  • The examiner noted Portreath Parish Council have undertaken extensive consultation on this Plan, and it complies with legislative requirements. The examiner complimented the local community volunteers and Portreath Parish Council, who have produced a well-presented and locally relevant Plan. The Plan deals with locally relevant issues, has coherently moved from vision and objectives to policies and produced local evidence for policies where needed.
  • On this basis the independent examiner recommended that the NDP should continue to the referendum stage. 
  • Cornwall Council have therefor organised a Referendum on the 23rd June in order to gauge community support. The NDP will be adopted if the majority of those voting in the Referendum support it.


The Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) – At A Glance

Throughout the consultation process over 1000 Parishioners input has helped shape and refine the plan which was created by more than 120 people

The NDP vision: We will create a plan that supports the development of a vibrant and sustainable community for residents and businesses of Portreath. It will protect, sustain and enhance the Parish without compromising the environment for future generations

The plan covers 4 main areas and has 18 policies covering the following main themes:

  • Housing policies address: affordable housing, 2nd home ownership and large scale developments
  • Environment policies focus on: protecting our heritage, landscapes and recreational space, ensuring energy efficiency and flood protection
  • Social & Community policies covers: protecting local green spaces, safeguarding community facilities and enhanced community renewable energy schemes
  • Business & Tourism policies aims to: support local businesses and employment, and ensure positive visitor experience

To the right of this page are the links to the final NDP and appendices as well as a summary of the 18 policies that will form the basis of the NDP and Referendum. The people of Portreath have shaped this plan for our future at every stage. The Referendum marks the final step – please have your say and vote on the 23rd June 2022.