An important aspect of Neighbourhood Planning is community engagement, that the community are involved in making the Plan. When the Plan goes forward for independent examination in the final stages of the plan-making process the Steering Group must be able to demonstrate to the Independent Examiner that the community has participated in the making of the Plan.
The Steering Group for the Portreath Neighbourhood Plan takes its responsibility for community engagement very seriously and has ensured that the community was involved at all stages of the plan.
The community engagement process began with a public meeting in August 2017 to announce the intention of Portreath Parish Council to prepare a Neighbourhood Development Plan. In September 2018 the Parish Council formed a steering group to produce the NDP.
Consultation Events
Now that the draft plan is complete we have entered a period of consultation that will complete on the 31st December 2020. To support this phase during COVID lockdown a number of drop in zoom sessions have been organised and are detailed in the page available from the menu or the quick links to the right.