The purpose of the Portreath NDP is to set out planning policies to be used as part of the development plan, for determining applications in Portreath Parish. The NDP vision is to ‘create a plan that supports the development of a vibrant and sustainable community for residents and businesses of Portreath. It will protect, sustain and enhance the Parish without compromising the environment for future generations’. There are 10 objectives relating to Housing, Environment, Social and Community Infrastructure and Business. The NDP has 16 policies grouped under these objectives to achieve the vision. The strategy for housing delivery is the use of development boundaries which support small scale infill and rounding off. The NDP also safeguards community facilities and greenspaces and uses criteria based policies to protect and enhance the natural and historic environment. Landscape designations such as the World Heritage Site (WHS), Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and Coastal Change Management Areas (CCMAs) are also addressed by the NDP policies.
The following objectives were prepared by the Steering Group as a result of outcomes gathered during the consultation and engagement phase. These objectives will help us decide which policies will be included in the NDP. Some of our draft objectives are outlined below…
Housing:- H1 - Build only what we need to protect and sustain the community’s diversity. Ensuring this is supported by specific policies focused on;
- Housing choice for growing older generation and younger single people
- Supporting decent affordable housing for people of lower incomes
- The Parish has already met its minimum housing target from the Cornwall Local Plan and as a result we will prioritise housing development that supports affordable housing delivery from genuine social housing providers.
- H2 – Demand higher standards for amenity space and environmental performance of dwellings, capable of adapting to future needs. Ensuring that this is supported by policies that:
- Make reference to existing standards such as Building for Life and Lifetime homes
- Aim higher the Building Regulation minimums when it comes to environmental performance standards
Environment Objectives- E1- To conserve and enhance the natural environment, making space for nature and wildlife through the restoration of valued habitats, the inclusion of high-quality green infrastructure and the protection of key landscape features.
- E2 – To maintain and enhance the quality and character of the landscape and settlements of Portreath Parish, enhancing local and cultural distinctiveness and protecting and enhancing the Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and our coast.
- E3- To conserve, enhance and take opportunities to restore the unique and distinctive heritage of the Parish including:
- Designated and non-designated heritage assets.
- Features of importance to the visual appearance and historic character of the area.
- The Parish’s built heritage.
- The internationally important features associated with the Cornwall and West Devon Mining World Heritage site and Portreath’s industrial past.
- Feature’s associated with conflict and Portreath’s military history.
- E4- To ensure carbon reduction and resilience to climate change effects, ensuring that development:
- Is low carbon and energy efficient
- Does not contribute to increase flood risk within the floodplain or at the coast
- Does not increase the risk of erosion and cliff or slope instability
- Promotes the use of electric vehicles
- Promotes sustainable modes of transport e.g. cycling, public transport and walking.
- E5- To protect and improve our most important and valued green assets whilst increasing the provision of high quality, connected green and open spaces within settlements that can secure environmental benefits. health and well-being and social cohesion for the existing and future residents of the Parish.
Social & Community Objectives- SCI1- Protect the valued sense of community and Maintain & Develop that which contributes to an integrated community where people’s inclusion and happiness are valued.
- SCI2 – Create a community infrastructure which balances the needs of the resident community with those of visitors, holiday makers and second home owners and preserves / develops ease of access to a range of resources including; local shops and services, post office, healthcare resources and library.
Business Ojective- B1 - To preserve a thriving village with an appropriate business infrastructure supported by the larger towns of Redruth and Cambourne. • Retain, protect and promote existing premises and businesses within the Parish.
- Support new retail or workspace of an appropriate scale and nature providing that it fulfils the needs of the Parish either for goods, services or employment.
- Recognise the importance of tourism to local business and ensure any new development enhances rather than detracts from the character, attractiveness and history of the Parish.
- Ensure high environmental and sustainability standards and provide or improve access to technological services, such as mobile and broadband connections and electric vehicle charging points